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What do you really want? Do you want a woman who is ready to listen to you and meet your needs? Maybe you want to be the target of your eyes you can't get it? But the only problem is that you don't want to be a girl, is your own personal dump possible?

Your own individual, ready to dump! But do you want a specific dump, isn't it? Cum dump! Imagine your own slutty mouth, willing to drink your countless cum anytime, anywhere!

But how do you get someone to provide such a mouth there? It's very simple, you don't want it! The only thing you can do is what you want to do! But please don't be discouraged, this is completely normal mouth full of cum, who cares about you! Close your eyes, pry your lips, pretend that your throat is juicy with red lipstick and big mouth, mouth open, ready to load! Of course you can have a stroke, but if you want a stroke, then your mouth must be open, is your tongue ok?

Look at this girl, she is so beautiful and innocent? Wrong, this girl has swallowed a lot of load! But looking at her, she is so happy! There is no regret in her eyes! From now on, will you be like her, happy, beautiful, and cum dump? Pick any sissy name that suits you, whenever you swallow cum, please refer to it yourself! Oh, please hold it in your cum until the end!


As I said she is your role model, you want to be her, you want to do everything she does! If you follow these instructions, I promise that you will shoot your load into the hungry mouth from now on! Don't forget that you must call yourself a girl. When your eyes close you become her, you will become a slut when your eyes are closed. Love cum is not them, when your eyes are closed, you are best to play your slutty tits!

This is what you look like when you twitch from now! Say I ____ (your slut name) love cum! Your tongue is better, I hope you imagine yourself as a girl in the photo? it is good.


Wait on the edge until you can move on!

You are a slut who is eager to swallow cum! The only purpose of your mouth is to accept cum!

Eating cum is your hobby. You like this taste. taste. Imagine you are these girls, you want you to swallow, aren't you?

Ok, slut, that's it. Just follow these instructions very carefully? Thoroughly naked. Find a wall for you, so you can lift your knees to your head. Your penis should aim at your mouth. It is very important to listen to this now. Once you open your eyes, you will become a girl with a tongue sticking out his tongue. You are no longer a man, you are a girl, a cum dumping slut. Start yanking the penis above you until it explodes into your slutty mouth, swallowing every drop, then you can open your eyes? Get it's slut!

Oh, my God, I am proud of you! Now you have your own personal cum slut! Not very good! Be sure to use her often, otherwise she will feel hungry!

Goodbye, sissy.
